Monday, June 27, 2011

Bear County, CALIFORNIA!!!

Sunday, June 26
 We drove south on Route 15, and were soon in California! Amazing, but there was a different terrain. again. More sand, even in the mountains, there were veins of white sand. "Is that gold in them thar hills?" We soon saw mirage in the distance, we were certain it was a lake, kept going back and forth between it being water, or a mirage. It was only sand.  California looks kind of like Florida, add mountains in the distance, and throw in some desert and Utah rocks, and that is what the part of southern California looks like that we drove through in the morning. Towns have palm trees and houses with tile roofs.

 Then we got to Crestline. A HUGE mountain, elevation 7300, with its own town way up there. There are lakes, schools, a hospital, walmart, etc. But to get there, you climb and climb on switchbacks, and hairpin turns, and keep climbing. When you get to the top, the only level thing you see are the lakes. On one side of the road, houses are built down the side of a hill, 10 steps at least to the front door, on the other side of the road, lots of sets of steps up to the door. Crazy place to be with an RV, but Marv is a good driver, and took us where we needed to go. We spent some time at Arrowhead Lake, then went to the home of Shaun and Christina Ellswerth. This is a couple that helped Tess get away from the magazine company she was working for last fall sometime. She went to their house to try to sell a magazine, they befriended her, she shared her fears and wanting to go home. Used their phone to call home... We have been wanting to thank these people, whom we called her guardian angels. Had a lovely visit and dinner with them. Spent the night parked at their house, in our RV.
Monday, June 25
We drove down off the mountain and headed to the coastline.

 Then we went to a beach on the Pacific ocean!!!! (We stopped at the first one we saw.)
From there we went to Oceanside, Sam and Juanite had reserved campsites for both of us at Paradise by the Sea, a campground within walking distance to the beach. I took the children to the pool while Marv took the camper to get washed and detailed nearby. We had a fun evening! WE LOVE CALIFORNIA!!!
Tuesday, June 26

We relaxed this morning, walked out to see the beach, and packed up. We went to walmart to try to get a prescription filled for Josh, then drove down along the cost.
Then we went to see the Mexico border (campsite was only 30 minutes away).
That was cool!
The beaches were very pretty, and there were beautiful houses on the coastline. We stopped at Oceonside Beach for a couple hours, it was a really nice beach. Then we cleaned up and drove towards San Diego. Stayed at Mission RV park across the bay from Sea World. We could see the fireworks from our campsite. Went to bed early, kind of... The weather is like, PERFECT! Cool at night, and never too hot during the day.
Wednesday, June 27
We have been to the Sea World in Florida, when boys were small, and before Hannah was born. Austin was in a stroller then, so they didn't remember a whole lot of it. So this was really cool...

1 comment:

  1. We loved having your family stay with us. Next time you are on the West coast, don't hesitate to drop by! ;-) We hope you have a great remainder of your trip!
