Monday, June 13, 2011


We spent the night in Carthage, Missouri and went to Fairview Christian Church. (found it on the GPS) We spoke to people that had friends that lost their homes in the tornado. From what we understood, 3 families in the congregation had lost their homes, but we didn't meet them personally. The church was about 15 minutes from Joplin.
When we mentioned wanting to drive through the area, we were given directions. We started to see a little damage along route 44, took the exit, came up over a slight hill, and suddenly just total devestation. The Pizza Hut was one of the first buildings we recognized.

There was a guy making carving out of tree trunks. There sure were lots to choose from. A sign said "Her feathers may be ruffled, but she's not dead"

We saw the hospital that was badly damaged. It actually moved 4 inches off the foundation. No one is allowed near the building.

We have never seen anything like it, and won't ever forget it.

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