Thursday, June 16, 2011

From Texas, through New Mexico to Colorado

Wednesday, June 15th 

 We drove from Amorillo, Texas, through New Mexico, and north to Colorado. We saw lots of antelope along the way.  :)   That made the trip even more fun. We actually stopped along the road one time to see them.


We needed to detour because of fires in Arizona and western New Mexico. The drive took us through a small town, it was neat to see...


We could see plumes of smoke above the mountain comimg from the distant fire, and it cast a haze over the western horizon.

At one point we could smell smoke.
The view was just beautiful, and it started to change from flat to snow capped mountains in the distance. The closer we got to Colorado city, the more mountains (and houses) we saw.

Sam and Juanite reserved a campsite for us at a state park way up on a mountain
overlooking Colorado Springs.

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