Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bryce Canyon, Utah

 Tuesday, June 21. We all slept in, I did laundry, we ate a big breakfast, and left soon after 11.

 The drive to Bryce Canyon was absolutely beautiful. Drove through so many different terrains, from majestic rock forms to a plateau with green farmland and hay harvesting. We could see snow peaked mountains, and some of the time we were following a rushing stream that had probably was full of melting snow from the peaks. Saw lots of horses and cattle, also saw deer and antelope, but no big horned sheep or elk. Stopped at one of the many pulloff lookout points. This one was at the edge of a huge cliff.
We were way up on a mountain.

 ]It is so amazing how diverse this nation is. God is so very creative!!!

 We stopped for icecream in a little town called Butch Cassidy's hideout.
I think we were in the boonies!!! Ice cream was good.

 We got to Bryce Canyon around 4 and got a site at the state park right by the canyon. 

 We saw lots of antelope and some mule deer. Also saw white tail deer on the drive today.

 Took the shuttle all the way around the rim of the canyon, got off at the viewpoints,and decided where we want to hike in the morning.

Ate supper (this was the first day that I used the crock pot while going down the road. Marv has an inverter so I can use electric outlets when we are not hooked up. It worked out well. Potatoes, sausage, cream of mushroom, celery. Delicious!)
 The children were playing jumprope with friends they made.

 Hannah hurt herself, and was at the camper. Soon there were children knocking on the door with a get well card and gum for her. That was really sweet...
The nights get really chilly, which is nice when there are no hookups!

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