Monday, June 20, 2011

Arches National Park, Moab, Utah

Monday, 6/20/11. We left the campsite around 7:30 planning on a long drive to Bryson Canyon. We went to the post office and walked around the town of Moab.
This Guy was playing a drum, he was really good at it.

The scenery was beautiful. There were a lot of Jeeps, 4-wheelers, dirtbikes and hummers. This area has perfect terrain for off road driving. We were wishing for one...
This arch was along our drive. We pulled off the road and walked up to it.
Pictures just don't tell it like it was, but I'll try anyway.

It was really. really high!

We were talking to someone along the road and he suggested Arches National Park, not far from here. We decided to go.

It was a drive up the mountain to start...

This was at the end of a big drop off, I couldn't go to the edge. Too high for me.

Many beautiful Arches.

A real tumbleweed.

Another fun, fun day. We are camped at Shady Acres campground in Green River, Utah.

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