Saturday, June 25, 2011

Still in Vegas

Marv and I got up early and sat by our camper watching people pull out.
 Beautiful morning...
 We left the campsite around 11 with the intent to go to Walmart to fill prescriptions, find the addresses we had, and leave for California.

 Well, the prescriptions for Danny's diabetes stuff took very long. We drove to the addresses we had (we were definately on the 'other side of the tracks'). GPS didn't locate the actual house number, but we were on the right street, anyway. Then back to Walmart to pick up the prescriptions. Thank the Lord we were able to get everything we needed! By that time we were hungry, and it was so hot, we decided to go back to the resort. We were able to get the same site another night, so we did. We actually grilled burgers outside, and brought them inside to eat (something we don't usually do). It was so hot you couldn't go barefoot on the concrete. 

 The rest of the day was spent at the pool. Wonderful, wonderful place!!!

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