Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wyoming to South Dakota

 We couldn't wait to get started again this morning, the map showed a pass through the mountain we needed to go through, I didn't know what we were getting into. That's what is so fun about our trip, we start out in the morning, and really don't know what
the day holds. The terrain can vary so much, and there is a lot to see,
small towns, farms, deer, antelope or elk, mountains, etc...

Elevation 9,962

We saw a lot of deer.
We don't really like the interstates, but there are times we need to so we can keep moving east, on schedule. Today we were on the 90 for awhile, and saw LOTS of antelope, like at least 100 in all. Then we decided to take another road and see this landmark... Devil's Tower
 Wagon trains years ago saw this as a route guide,
it was cool trying to imagine what that era was like.
Cody, Wyoming has so much history there, too.
Prairie dogs were fun, and there is a rock that looks like it has a lizard on top of it.

 We are camped at the Flintstones! :) in the town of Custer, 5 miles from
Crazy Horse Museum, and about 20 minutes from
 Mount Rushmore!!! (Can't wait to see it).
This trip is going so well, it is amazing where all we have been, and all there is to see yet.
We have a sense of needing to keep moving so we get home before too long, at the same time we want to enjoy what there is to see while we are here.

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