Sunday, July 24, 2011

King Family Camping

Kind of like the rest of the trip, we looked at where we were planning to go next. Marv mentioned that we were just above Indiana, and not that far from home. I was thinking Michigan is still way out there... Marv suggested maybe going to Juniata county, where my family was camping this weekend. (I come from a family of 11, I have 6 brothers and 4 sisters. One weekend a year, we all go somewhere for a weekend. This year it was at a 15 bedroom cabin.) Well, I was quite excited about going, we had originally not planned on going because of this trip. I talked to my brother Mahlon, who was not going be there until late Saturday because of a wedding, and decided to surprise everyone by getting there Saturday sometime.

We drove on Friday night after we left Steve and Susan's, through some rain,
 and stopped at a rest area to sleep for a few hours. We got to the cabin around 11 am.
They were so surprised, and glad to see us.   :)
It was soooo good to see everyone, this was definately a good way to end our trip.

It was too hot to be outside a lot, so we hung out in the cabin a lot...

 Saturday night (early Sunday morning) Jason was playing his guitar on the front porch... Joey and Veronica helped, it sounded so beautiful!

 There was a nice stream behind the cabin. We found a turtle, and a few crayfish.

We headed for HOME SWEET HOME after lunch on Sunday

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