Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mt. Saint Hellens

The drive from the campsite was beautiful, we could see three huge mountains, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams and Mt. Saint Hellens, also other mountain ranges with snow on the tops.

 We hiked the Johnson Ridge Loop, about a 2 mile loop around the bottom. A very good hike.

This was a roaring river, it sounded to us like the Pacific coast!
Melting water from the mountains.

On the hike we saw a beaver dam!

 Then we drove up to a viewpoint 5 miles from Mt. Saint Hellens. AWESOME!!!
 From there we took the scenic route 12 through the White Pass.
Very very very beautiful.

 We stopped at a dam, spoke to several fishermen,
yes, there are 9 of us, yes we are enjoying the trip... ;)

 Reflections... we seem to make quite a scene wherever we stop. :)    Example, on the scenic route, taffic needed to STOP while construction crews cleaned up a rockslide. No problem, we got out of the camper, a few at a time, and talked to the people around us. A lady in a convertable mustang in front of us. She was a roit, and sat on the guard rail visiting with us... The guys got a football out, Marv went and talked to the truckdriver behind us, I went up a few cars and talked to some Amish girls. A big van with 9 girls and a driver, pulling a pop-up, on a 5 week trip. Interesting... They were from Kentucky, Idaho and Indianna.

We stayed about 130 miles southwest af Spokane, Montana.
Today (Thursday) we are driving to Rexford, Montana. We see farmland, potato fields, lakes, mountains in the distance, small towns... We stopped at Cabelas in Idaho.

 This morning at a rest area, we met some fellow RVers, (2 older people and a dog). Our children pet the dog, we start a conversation. Get some good ideas about what this area offers, etc. Nice, nice people. We hope our story is an inspiration...

We have a campsite reserved near a big lake in Rexford along route 37.  The dam we saw  earlier controls this lake. In May the lake is a 10 foot wide river, people come with dirt bikes and ride the lake bottom. Interesting.
Every site is occupied by people from Alberta, Canada. We were told that the only liscence plates here from anywhere else are us and the camp hosts.
gas is cheaper here, so the Canadians come here for boating etc. for the weekend. This is a very nice place, people are so friendly. There is an Amish community near here, we have reservations for an Amish supper at 5.

1 comment:

  1. you're doing it right!!! seeing all the mnts. hiking,etc! gorgeous sky pictures!!
