Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Redwood Forest

Saturday, July 2nd
 We left the campsite early, stopped at a rest area to eat, and drove North on 101, headed to the Redwoods.
 Our first stop was the drive through tree (aka walk through, if the "car" doesn't fit)
 Very cool, then drove to the Grandfather tree. We linked hands and tried to reach all the way around this tree, and couldn't. We needed Kathryn and Tess, yet...

 Then we drove through more, and stopped as we wanted to.

We were driving just outside a small town when Marv spotted a big herd of elk!!!

 Very cool

 We came to this bridge where there were people looking down in the water. We stopped for gas just across the bridge, and I asked what the people were looking at. There were 2 whales! A mom and her calf. Pictures just don't do justice, they were HUGE. They would come up and blow, it was absolutely AMAZING!!!

We drove through more amazing redwoods...

the beautiful Pacific
and saw more elk

What a day, God is so creative, and we are blessed to have been able to experience more of the majesty of His creation.
(I finally am up to date, I also added a few pics to older posts. This is fun for me to do, but priority is spending family time. Usually every day I downlaod pictures and blog when I have service or when my wifi card decides to work, after everyone else is sleeping. :)

1 comment:

  1. ahh, love the elk. they are so majestic. We were on the avenue of the giants when we lived in Or and took a CA trip.

    You are blessed to see the whales, and i am jealous. That is on my bucket list! maybe i;ll have to go to Alaska.
