Friday, July 22, 2011


We camped at Bear Cave campground near Lake Michigan. When we got here yesterday it was so HOT! Quickly got in the pool. Then relaxed in the lodge/gameroom/books/couches/pingpong, etc. The place was pretty empty, it was one of those membership only resorts, but our Passport America discount card got us in. Our site was shaded, and along a river.
This morning we all slept in, then at lunchtime, (aka breakfast) it started to rain. It cooled off, and the drive now is very pleasant. We are on the way to visit Steve and Susan in East Lansing.

Susan and I became friends years ago when she worked for Bethanna foster care. She is an amazing person, and we really enjoyed the stop at their house. Riding bike, leggos, dress up, playing house, delicious supper, visiting, blessing and encouraging each other. We have friends in Landsing, Michigan!!!

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