Sunday, July 24, 2011


We were sooooo glad to see Doddy!!!

Ok, we were away 47 days, and put 10,400 something miles on the RV. It was a great trip!!! I am overwhelmed, what can I say? I am so thankful for safety, thankful for all we got to see and experience, thankful for the many people we met, especially the wonderful people who hosted us!!!

We really missed everyone at home, but honestly, although it is good to be home,
I could have gone another month. ; )
(without the heat, though) 

I asked everyone 2 questions: 
What was your favorite part/place/event about the trip?
What did you miss the most about home?

Here goes....
joey: i liked Nevada becouse i lived there whan i was younger. i missed my bed and shower. 

Brandon: I like the water park. it is very fun  and I loved it. I missed  the dogs and I was  very glad to see them.

Hannnah: Going to the water park, I loved going down by myself on the Kiddie slides and landing in the water. I like sleeping in the camper. I missed Doddy. I can't wait to go to school!!!

Danny: I liked the Dixie Stampede in Branson, MI. I missed the couches and books and toys at home.

Brian: I like going to the worlds largest water park in wisconsin. I missed the dogs, and doddy.

Joshua     I love the dixie stampede at Branson. and the Canyon in Texas that we hiked with our friends. I liked playing games in the camper like UNO. I missed my grandpa.

Austin. My favorite part of the trip was the waterpark. I missed the dogs, especially daisy.

The guys got out the leggos we had bought at Mall of America.

This is tough, I loved all of the trip, but my favorite is the Pacific coast, especially in Oregon.
The coffee shops, seals, beaches, small towns, sand dunes, lighthouses, produce farms, etc.
I missed my kitchen and garden the most.
Marv says his favorite is a close tie between the Oregan coast and Montana.
It is good to be home!
God bless you one and all...

King Family Camping

Kind of like the rest of the trip, we looked at where we were planning to go next. Marv mentioned that we were just above Indiana, and not that far from home. I was thinking Michigan is still way out there... Marv suggested maybe going to Juniata county, where my family was camping this weekend. (I come from a family of 11, I have 6 brothers and 4 sisters. One weekend a year, we all go somewhere for a weekend. This year it was at a 15 bedroom cabin.) Well, I was quite excited about going, we had originally not planned on going because of this trip. I talked to my brother Mahlon, who was not going be there until late Saturday because of a wedding, and decided to surprise everyone by getting there Saturday sometime.

We drove on Friday night after we left Steve and Susan's, through some rain,
 and stopped at a rest area to sleep for a few hours. We got to the cabin around 11 am.
They were so surprised, and glad to see us.   :)
It was soooo good to see everyone, this was definately a good way to end our trip.

It was too hot to be outside a lot, so we hung out in the cabin a lot...

 Saturday night (early Sunday morning) Jason was playing his guitar on the front porch... Joey and Veronica helped, it sounded so beautiful!

 There was a nice stream behind the cabin. We found a turtle, and a few crayfish.

We headed for HOME SWEET HOME after lunch on Sunday

Friday, July 22, 2011


We camped at Bear Cave campground near Lake Michigan. When we got here yesterday it was so HOT! Quickly got in the pool. Then relaxed in the lodge/gameroom/books/couches/pingpong, etc. The place was pretty empty, it was one of those membership only resorts, but our Passport America discount card got us in. Our site was shaded, and along a river.
This morning we all slept in, then at lunchtime, (aka breakfast) it started to rain. It cooled off, and the drive now is very pleasant. We are on the way to visit Steve and Susan in East Lansing.

Susan and I became friends years ago when she worked for Bethanna foster care. She is an amazing person, and we really enjoyed the stop at their house. Riding bike, leggos, dress up, playing house, delicious supper, visiting, blessing and encouraging each other. We have friends in Landsing, Michigan!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dells, Wisconsin

Wednesday, July 20
We spend the day at Noah's Ark, the world's largest waterpark. Fun, fun, fun day, we were there from when they opened at 9 till they closed at 8. Every ride was WET, and there were wave pools and lazy river tube rides. Sundrenched and tired, we all slept good...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Corn Palace and Mall of America

We toured the Corn Palace in Mitchel, South Dakota.

All the corn is replaced every year, with a new theme. There is a 100 acre field where they grow the different colored Indian corn. Each peice is cut in half and nailed on.

Then drove through miles of wet farmland and saw hundreds of wind turbines.
Acres and acres of corn.

  Then went to the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. It is HUGE!!!

Hannah LOVED the American Girl store

There is an amusement park, miniature golf, aquarium, etc., along with what seems like miles of shopping...

It was very cool to see. We did some rides and went shopping. Could have spent a lot more time there, but decided to keep going. Supper at Cici's, then driving towards
 Wisconsin Dells.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead

We are in De Smut, South Dakoto, touring the Laura Ingalls Homestead.
It is a very fun, hands on experience for us.
We have read the books, and are imagining all that happened here.
Marv is being the tour guide for us, he loves history and knows
all the interesting facts that make the story fun.

We toured more in the town of De Smet, then drove to Lake Mitchel Campground. We crossed the Missouri river sometime today, and saw some of the flooding that we had heard about. The town we stayed in was about 15 minutes from the dam that was opened earlier in the year. We were told that a campground across town is entirely flooded out.
Today is Joey's 18th birthday!!!
Our prayer is that God will continue to use the talents He has given you to bring the JOY of Christ Jesus to others. You sure add a lot of spice to our family, and we love you!
We all went to a steakhouse for supper, then went swimming at the campsite.
Finished with cake and ice cream.